A Südtirol Pass abo+ is being validated

abo+: got yours yet?

All geared up for the upcoming school year

Slowly but surely, the new school year is drawing closer. And because things often get a little hectic around that time, it’s always a good idea to apply for or renew your abo+ subscription early on.

All Südtirol Pass abo+ tickets for pupils and high-school students are valid from 15 September of each year. The existing 73,000 subscriptions will of course remain valid until that date – but it’s still worth applying for or renewing your abo+ for the upcoming school year as early as possible. Even right now! The first days of September tend to get quite hectic: Experience has shown that there’s typically a run on our customer centres, which can sometimes cause the südtirolmobil phone lines and data systems to overload.

On a positive note: More than 23,000 abo+ subscriptions have already been renewed and are all set and ready for the new school year.

Online is the way to go

As always, all abo+ applications and renewals must be submitted through this website. You can use our services with or without a digital access key, through SPID (Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale) or using your Carta dei Servizi/Bürgerkarte pass and reader.

This year, the online processing was simplified and streamlined significantly – making things extra convenient especially for applications using direct debit and submitted online through the passenger’s personalised user account.

The annual subscription fee (EUR 20 for pupils and high-school students; EUR 150 for university students) can be paid online by credit card, direct debit and home banking or directly at our ticket offices and at some südtirolmobil points of sale.

Good to know

abo+ for university students: Südtirol Pass abo+ tickets for university students no longer have a pre-determined validity range: They can be applied for and/or renewed at any time throughout the year and are generally valid for one year plus 14 days from payment of the annual fee.